Friday, January 3, 2014

SOUL FOOD 2014: Lesson Two

Lesson 2 on Soul Food is by artist Gwenn Seemel, who encourages us to sketch using our markers. I felt much more comfortable with this exercise - and I chose to draw my reflection from my Kindle. I used my Pitt Pens, going from light to dark as Gwen instructed. This is definitely something I will do more of - sketching and drawing with not just my pencils - but my markers.

SOUL FOOD 2014: Starting The New Year Off Creatively

The beginning of 2014 is starting off with a creative bang for me. I am currently doing Mystele's Soul Food course - and so far it is taking me far out of my comfort zone.

The first lesson, was a warm up = using a Gelli plate and finding inspiration in the shapes and colors of our print. Well ... I don't have a Gelli Plate - so I used what I had - which was a recycled mouse pad from years ag0, when I suffered from carpal tunnel. This particular mouse pad is almost the exact consistency of the Gelli Plate - so it was perfect for Lesson 1.

While Mystele used an embossing stamp, I chose to add texture using a stencil and Decoart Modeling Paste - then I added color with some gelato sticks.

Since this lesson is a fun - warm up - I tried to go with it...and chose my shapes from what I saw with the paint. I'm not sure this is what I was looking to create - but this is what came out ... I may have to revisit the Gelli Plate method later on - at leaast experiment more with backgrounds.