Sunday, January 17, 2010

Latte Paintin' Going On

It's hard to get back into the creative groove after all the images of death and destruction in Haiti ... but there was a point last night where I had to shut the tv off, after crying my eyes out over the death of a little girl.

This morning, I tried to focus on a little creativity ... trying to think of all the things I love - the simple things - like a good cup of coffee. I decided it was the perfect addition to add to my ever changing paintbrush box. I'm determined that this box be a total representation of me.

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  1. I know exactly what story you are talking about, perhaps the one on CNN? The young lady that was rescued only to die later that evening. OMG, I cried rivers as I was on my television for the 7 or 8 hours it took to free her. Broke my heart.

    You painting is fantastic.

  2. Yep - that's the one. I was sooooo happy when she was rescued...and then hours later to find she didn't make it. I was done.

    Thanks for the kind words...I'm just trying to dig deep and pull it all out...whatever is in my head I want to come out via paint brush.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet message. :)

  4. Beautiful box! I know what you mean, I just can't continue on watching 24 hour coverage, it's too heartbreaking.

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! ;) You should see all of the comments on my FB page RE: the snuggie and my photo. It's crazy!

  6. I know it's all so sad but thanks for your kind comment about my knitting and love your beautiful work.

  7. I was so happy to see your comment in Dirty Scraps! Love the painting your doing. Glad to hear you like the blog :)
